外岡 豊(とのおか ゆたか)
Yutaka Tonooka undertook his graduate degree at Waseda University, where he studied architecture design and the fundamentals of engineering. He followed this with an MSc, also at Waseda, where he studied building air conditioning engineering and urban environmental planning. His research area covers a very wide range of energy and environment issues, including technology and policy related to air pollution, climate change and energy demand/supply in several sectors. From 1975 onwards, he has worked as a consultant on the analysis of air pollution for policy making for Japan’s Ministry of Environment (MOE) (Agency before 2001), and has also collaborated with CRIEPI (the Central Research Institute for Electric Power Industry of Japan) on energy and environmental analysis. During his work for the MOE he developed a methodology for a whole process air pollutant emissions inventory for Japan, and applied it to GHGs for the UNFCCC Inventory. He also started working on emissions inventories and the analysis of air pollution in China in 1985, which has more recently been expanded to cover GHGs and aerosols and projection modeling. He has collaborated with many universities in China on climate change technologies and policies.
He has been a guest scholar at IIASA (the Austrian International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), a visiting scholar at both Harvard University and Waseda University, as well as a visiting professor at Osaka University. He had lectured on environmental policy at Reitaku University and an urban environmental planning at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Graduate School of Architecture. Now he is a researcher in Waseda Univiersity, an emeritus visiting professor in Dalian Institute of Technology and Xi’an Jiaotong University both in China. He has lectured on environmental policy, technology and planning, at regional and global scale, at Saitama University. He has supervised PhD and MSc students at these institutions as well as at Imperial College, London.
He has long been involved in climate change issues related to energy consumption especially in the building sector and has been on the management board and acted as the chair of various subcommittees and working groups for the Research Committee on Global Environment within the Architectural Institute of Japan. He is also the head of a number of not-for-profit organizations concerned with environmental and urban problems.
In relation to governmental environmental policy, he has advised both central and local bodies on climate change, air pollution,environmental assessment and other environmental policies, and is currently an advisory committee member for MOE on their: GHG emission inventory, climate change policy planning and guidelines, and PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers) methodology.